Friday, May 27, 2011

Now Introducing!

Its hard to believe it's already been a week since I brought these itsy bitsy kitties home!  For the first two days they wanted nothing to do with me really.  Now I can't keep them off of me!  I walk around the house with them on my shoulders like little parrots (with very sharp claws!). And once their motors started running, I knew there was nothing else I could name them. 

So I am happy to introduce Porche, Bentley, and Mercedes!
 They are, like most kittens, adapting well and growing oh-so-fast!  They have already graduated from their kitten gruel to big-kitty food (by their own choice).  Although, eating from a dish is still a bit challanging.  They much more prefer me to spoon feed them.  No, they aren't spoiled in the least!

When I get up in the morning, or come home from work, Mercedes is always on the top of their kitty-condo box yelling for me.  Then, when I open the door, she literally leaps at me.  She is one very social kitty.  No fear.

Porche is not far behind.  Ready to climb my leg at a moments notice.

Bentley is still a little shy, but he will come over to me now.  He doesn't like being picked up so much, but he does enjoy burying himself in my hair.

Sweeties- all of them

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