Sunday, September 25, 2011

I've been remiss

...In my duties as foster parent.  It's been such a busy week, and I haven't been posting the photos you all deserve to see!

Well, I won't make you wait.  After all, these cutie pies won't be around for very long.  They've already hit the two pound mark, so it will be time to get them snipped and help them find their new, forever homes  quickly!

So, without further delay, I give you the first of the "Holy Trinity"!

The Goddess ATHENA!!!
 Named after the Greek Goddess of Wisdom, Skill and War.
 That's right, I said wisdom and war.
Yeah, baby!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Huskies and squeekies and kitties, oh my!

Well, as if adding two LARGE dogs to the family wasn't enough, we are now welcoming three adorable little foster kittens!  This wasn't planned, but these things do happen.  I walked into the foster department...and there they were....waiting...along with several other litters that need foster homes.  I'm leary bringing in kittens so soon after adopting dogs.  Not because I'm concerned for the dogs or the new doggies are surprisingly well behaved.  But mostly because there has been a lot of change in the last few weeks, and I don't want my resident cats to get too upset.  They may try to kill me in my sleep.

So, without further ado...I present to you...


The two darling girls

And their rascally brother...
Sorry, it's not the best picture of the boy, but it is the only one of the thirty I took of him that wasn't blurry.

Now, I just gotta come up with names...